Time to use your big cocksucking mouth, whore of whores by Mr.Kane

GQS – The curse of Isthar


It was useless. Ptolemy began walking round like a lion in a cage. His enemy’s name was clear enough now. Julius Caesar. But Caesar was an all-powerful ruler and a ruthless opponent in war. There was nothing he could do about him. Caesar himself was untouchable. But the other plotters weren’t. Who were they?

He picked up a bamboo cane and brought it down onto her red and bruised breasts.


Caestus smiled and waved his erect cock at her by Mr.Kane

GQS – The curse of Isthar

In the end Claudia cracked. She knew she couldn’t take any more beatings and she asked them to stop.

“Alright! I’ll tell you all I know!”
“I’m listening, bitch!”
“Yes, I got orders. They were always sealed. They gave them to my husband when they ordered supplies for the ships.”

“Who did they come from? Who gave them to him?”
“I never knew that. Nobody told me those things. I can only tell you what my orders were.”
“Tell us, bitch, or you’ll eat cock again!”