Cockhunter took the male by the cock and led him along a passageway past the pirates’ shacks by Mr.Kane

Black star timelapse

The hormones from their cunts were exciting the male, despite his fear and the repugnance their bodies caused him. The other prisoners were also aroused and they were getting noisy. The guards shouted at them…

“Cut that noise, bastards! And if one of you shoots any spunk, he’ll go straight down into the mines and he’ll look for tangelium with his cock, alright?”

Meanwhile, Bettina’s craft was slowly spinning out of control as it moved back and forth along the gulley, hitting against the rocky sides. The vibrations were terrible now and Bettina was struggling to control the craft. She thought of putting her safety harness on, but she decided against it. In situations like this, it could be make things worse…